Friday, 31 January 2020

USA: Poetry Episode Richard Wilbur and Robert Lowell

Henrik Ibsen

Sylvia Plath Reading Her Poetry

Ted Hughes: Force of Nature

Philip Larkin: Love and Death in Hull

Barde - Barde [full album]

Andy Irvine / Paul Brady (Album)

Brendan Behan Sings Irish Folksongs & Ballads

Jumble Lane (Full Album) Holyground Label - Mega Rare 1971 UK Private Pr...

Goldenrod - 1969 [Full Album] HQ

Brain Police - 1968 [Full album] HQ

Christopher - 1970 US Holy Grail of Heavy Acid Rock, very rare $1400

Universe - Universe 1971 (FULL ALBUM) [Hard | Blues Rock]

Flower Travellin' Band - Anywhere 1970 * (full album)

Mary Butterworth - Mary Butterworth 1969 (full album)

Maypole - The Real 1971 * (full album)

Andwella's Dream - Love And Poetry 1969 (full album)

Beckett - Beckett 1974 (full album)

Gypsy -Gypsy 1970 (full album)

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Sylvia Plath documentary complete

What Happened to Kerouac?

Guillaume Apollinaire, l’enchanteur étoilé (1880-1918) : Une vie, une œu...

1/5 Rimbaud en mille morceaux : Le génie (France Culture / Grande traver...

Arthur Rimbaud, une biographie / Richard Dindo ( Subtitulado en Español ...

Arthur Rimbaud

Secrets d'histoire - Voltaire ou la liberté de penser (Intégrale)

André BRETON – Documentaire légendaire : Passage Breton (1970)

Une Vie, une œuvre : Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891), la dernière innocence e...

CHARLES BAUDELAIRE (1821-1867) – Une vie, une œuvre [2011]

BAUDELAIRE – Une Vie, une Œuvre : 1821-1867 (France Culture, 1999)

Romantic French Music & Romantic French Songs: 2 Hours of Romantic Frenc...

Buy MAVERICKS on Amazon Kindle

Chopin Complete Nocturnes Brigitte Engerer YouTube

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Vladimir Maïakovski : Ça va ! Poèmes d'Octobre (Concert fiction / France...

VLADIMIR MAÏAKOVSKI (1893-1930) – Une vie, une œuvre [2006]

Les forçats de l'absolu : Marina Tsvetaeva avec Tzvetan Todorov

[RARE] Marina TSVETAÏEVA – Une Vie, une Œuvre : 1892-1941 (France Cultur...

Круги на воде. Марина Цветаева: путь в петлю

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Russian Poems by Alexander Pushkin by Alexander Pushkin #audiobook

Requiem by Anna Akhmatova

Alla Baianova / Алла Баянова - Old Russian Songs (1973)

Antarctica Secrets 2018 Bizarre Discoveries That Science Can't or Won't ...

The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica - HD Documentary

The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica - HD Documentary

The Secrets of Antarctica | Full Documentary | TRACKS

Antarctica Anomalies Documentary 2018 There is DEFINITELY Something Unde...

Antarctica - A Frozen History

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

The Sound Defects - The Iron Horse [Full album]

Sweet Smoke -Just a poke (1970)Full Album & Bio & Lyrics

Born Again - Born Again Pagan 1969 -1971 (full album)

Forest - Full Circle 1970 Full Album Listen

Forest_ Forest (1969) full album

Robert Johnson - The Complete Recordings - Essential Classic Evergreen

Led Zeppelin: Live on TV BYEN/Danmarks Radio [Full Performance]

The Baron S1e27 Roundabout 360p & S1e28 Guy Outdoors

The Definitive Jelly Roll Morton - Ragtime & Early Sounds from New Orleans

Jelly Roll Morton - New York Days (1928-1930)

Thursday, 16 January 2020

DEAD MEN'S SECRETS --- Were ancient times really primitive?

50 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained | Compilation

Janis Joplin-Cream -Pink Floyd - (1967 1972)

Deep Purple - Child In Time - 1970

Ten Years After - A Space In Time 1971 Vinyl Full Album

The Seeds - Future 1967 (full album)

The Children - Rebirth 1968 (full album)

The Chocolate Watchband - No Way Out (Plus) 1967

Cheryl Dilcher - Special Songs 1971 (FULL) [Folk-Rock]

Jack Hardy ‎– Jack Hardy (1971)

Michael Hurley - First Songs (1965)

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Ulysses by James Joyce (FULL Audiobook) - part (1 of 3)

Ulysses by James Joyce (FULL Audiobook) - part (2 of 3)

Ulysses by James Joyce (FULL Audiobook) - part (3 of 3)

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce (FULL Audiobook)

Far From The Madding Crowd (FULL Audiobook)

Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Audiobook by Thomas Hardy

Heart of Thomas Hardy Doc

HARDY'S WESSEX - Part1 - Radio documentary about Thomas Hardy.

HARDY'S WESSEX - Part 3 - BBC Radio documentary about Thomas Hardy.

HARDY'S WESSEX - Part 2 - Radio documentary about Thomas Hardy.

Edward Hopper: A collection of 236 paintings (HD)

Egon Schiele: A collection of 365 works (HD) *UPDATE

Paul Klee: A collection of 277 works (HD)

Vincent van Gogh: A collection of 825 paintings (HD)

Wassily Kandinsky: A collection of 366 works (HD)

5 Hours With The Best Baroque Classical Music Ever | Focus Reading Recha...