Thursday, 11 November 2010

Strider Marcus Jones Poetry: WELCOME AND WELL MET!

Strider Marcus Jones Poetry: WELCOME AND WELL MET!: "Welcome to my poetry blog. I hope you enjoy viewing my books and reading my poems. Thankye for taking your time to drop by. I hope you decid..."


  1. Great blogg Marcus..very enjoyable to listen to while I've been drawing. xx

  2. Thankye Paula. I want to concentrate more on the poetry and my other interests here without the distractions of facebook. Strider's Retreat is still open, but will be my general blog from now on for poetry and fun posts that interest me. What are you drawing? Your Imladris blog looks amazing! xx

  3. That's cool Marcus and thank you!
    I've just acquired some pastel pencils, I have never used them before so I'm practicing with some simple images for xmas cards. I'm taking pics as I go and will post them when I'm done. xx
